On the 11th and 12th of October, the largest annual international forum on financial technologies and innovations in the Baltics will be held in the VT1 Exhibition Center in Riga. More than 100 lecturers and 150 participating companies will attend Riga COMM 2018. This year, Bilderlings, the leading European financial technology platform, will present a report on the following topic: “STAYING FRIENDS WITH YOUR CSO: PCI-DSS COMPLIANCE WITH DOCKER” at the conference on October 11.

This year, the 7th international e-commerce conference Rietumu eComm21 will not be held in Latvia’s capital. Thus, the Riga COMM 2018 conference, which takes place in two pavilions at Kipsala, is the only major event in the field of financial technologies and e-commerce in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia this year. Working languages at the conference are English and Latvian.

The best expansion solutions

The program of Riga COMM 2018 includes a forum on the latest solutions of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet (IIoT) and their use in business processes, as well as state and city administration. Within the framework of the conference, a separate stage is dedicated to blockchain and the Crypto Economy.

The ways in which blockchain (as well as cryptanalysis, smart contracts, combined databases and public registers) is transforming various industries and creating new, decentralized economies was one of the topics at the recently-held Riga Baltic Honeybadger Conference. We will hear other speakers’ and audience members’ opinions at Riga COMM 2018.

During the conference on optimization of business processes and their means of automation, there will be a report on new and updated automation solutions and tools, such as ERP, CRM, HCM and SCM – meant for efficient and transparent management of business processes. Among the speakers on October 11 are executives from Hitachi Vantara, Nutanix, Commvault, NCC Group, Extreme Networks and other companies.

Take note of the conference devoted to artificial intelligence – the era of smart machines has already come! Artificial intelligence is used in virtually all spheres of business. Undoubtedly, in the near future almost every company will be able to use chatbots and AI-based algorithms to provide new, more efficient services and make effective decisions. On October 11, the practical use of intelligent bots and relevant examples of projects from Latvia and elsewhere in Europe will be discussed at the conference on practical application of machine learning.

Among the topics of the Riga forum is a seminar on the resource-saving application of 3D technologies in manufacturing; a workshop on HR intellectual and technological solutions in the field of human resource management, planning, interaction, training, teamwork and internal communications, surveys, bonus management, hiring, analysis, control and other key components of a successful business.

The two pavilions of the exhibition center will feature six themed stages with various lectures – from increasing business efficiency and cloud solutions to the compatibility of private and public cloud services in business, biohacking and digital marketing – all that is necessary in the framework of the fourth industrial revolution, which is beginning right now. The idea of ​​the organizers is that everyone can choose exactly what is interesting to them personally. The titles of some lectures are highly intriguing: “Why Fintech can be thought of as the best bacteria of the 21st century?” Perhaps the answer will be no less creative? It is also worth mentioning the contacts exchange – a networking event within the framework of “Horizon 2020” – the program of development of various branches of the European economy. Those who want to participate should register at the Riga COMM 2018 conference website.

Lectures on advanced financial technologies and tools for enterprises and organizations will be presented on the Citadele Fintech stage. In this block, the senior managers from Crassula, Tezos, Cryptodus will be speaking. This is, perhaps, the most science-driven and interesting part of the two-day hackathon at Riga COMM 2018, in which you will learn something new for your business within the framework of the contacts exchange and a direct dialogue during the question and answer sessions.

The Docker is our answer!

Bilderlings Fintech platform participated in last year’s forum Riga COMM conference. This time, in addition to the stand at the exhibition center, Bilderlings will present a lecture with a series of open question and answer discussions.

A representative of the company will deliver a report on Docker, an important phenomenon in the field of software technologies, and the related concept of “containerization,” which is increasingly and effectively being used in electronic commerce.

In our everyday work, we often hear the question: How does one maintain the high security standards required by the financial industry while staying dynamic as a developer of modern payment solutions? The answer is – the Docker! This is usually thought of as “software” or as a “tool,” but in fact it is a conceptual approach, even a philosophy, expressed in software solutions.

In short: Docker is similar to a ship loader in a port that works with standard containers. A “container,” in turn, is an isolated process – or several processes – that serve as an active application. “Containers” can be moved from place to place, their quantity can be increased (or decreased) based on requirements such as the level of system load or convenience of installing an app, for example. As a result, payment software solutions based on this approach give you full control over the process, just as if running on a physical server, but at the same time they provide flexibility comparable to the virtualization of a cloud service.

Are all of the necessary safety standards being met in this process? Yes – this is a “golden mean” that is able, first and foremost, to provide flexibility in infrastructure without reducing the security level of the system. At the RIGA COMM 2018 Conference, on October 11, at 13:40, our IT specialist will demonstrate in detail the advantages of the Docker concept and containerization using the examples of several leading American and European companies.

At the conference, Bilderlings will hold a lottery at its stand in which you can win the “smart” HUE E27 STARTER KIT from Philips. One of the interesting specifications of this light control system is its compatibility with Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit and Google Assistant.

Details, events, speakers and registration: https://rigacomm.com/lv/programma/

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